
HTML , CSS , Javascript , PHP, Python, C

Adobe XD, Inkscape, Git, Linux

Coding Activity


Hi I'm José Ordóñez, a software developer and ethical hacker I like to create innovative and attractive solutions. I love to learn and share my knowledge. Here you will find my projects, contacts and social networks. I hope you like my work and that we can collaborate. 😊



Search engine optimization through SEO techniques and website security management and administration.


Design and development of website with WordPress optimized for mobile devices through AMP and search engine optimization throught SEO techniques and management and administration of security and website for constant updates and improvements.

Work Experience


Concentración Deportiva de Pichincha - CDP

Development of modules and management reporting for the analysis and decision making of athletes in the sports management and administration software in PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript and the Laravel framework, in addition to IT support, help desk, development of management systems for the gym and administration of holiday courses through software.

Election Administrative Assistant

Consejo Nacional Electoral - CNE

Placement of graphic material for pedestrian signage, assembly of ballot boxes, training of table personnel, control and follow-up of incidents, solution of inconsistencies in the votes and assistance in the counting and recounting of votes.

Technical Administrative Assistant

Equindeca Cía. Ltda.

Control and management of the technical staff in charge of 8 people, customer service, creation and reporting of incidents to provide solutions, invoicing, credit notes, withholdings, control of the vehicle fleet and maintenance, warehouse inventories and spare parts dispatch.

Area Technician

SP Importadora

Control of technical staff 2 people and support and repair of mobile devices at hardware and software level such as tablets, smartphones and computers.

Computer Internships

Adexus S.A.

Formatting of computers, creation of network plans for structured cabling with Microsoft Visio, maintenance of printers, laptops, etc at hardware and software level.


Superior Third Level Technology

Instituto Superior Tecnológico Tecnoecuatoriano

Higher Technology in Software Development